Party PAckageS

Choose The Right Plan For You

our Party Packages

All Minor Skaters MUST have a Waiver form filled out by a Parent/Guardian upon Drop Off or Before Skating!

***Prices do NOT include the 9.725% MO State Sales Tax***

All Deposits are Applied to the Balance

We Accept all Major Debit/Credit Cards

Public Skate Parties

Both Packages Include

Fountain Drinks for All Paid Skaters

2 Pitchers Provided of refills – Limit 4 Refills

1 Reserved table ($20 for each additional table)

Skate Rental Included

Invitations Available upon Request

Birthday Kiddo Will Recieve

Birthday Balloon with Treat

2 Glow Items – one Glow Stick and one item of choice

Passes for Free Admission to Return to Rink Ratz

Buy-One-Get-One Passes for each Paid Skater

A $50 Non-Refundable Deposit is required within 48 hours of booking a party. Booking a Private Party requires a $100 deposit within 48 hours. Deposits will be applied to the balance of your party. Party dates and times are NOT confirmed without a deposit that is received through an email link sent by Rink Ratz. Outside food is permitted with reservation. Free passes and coupons are not permitted for Birthday Parties. Skate Mates and Toddler Skates are available First Come, First Serve: You may reserve up to 5 of either for your party. Extra tables are NOT Guaranteed unless reserved: Space is Limited. Waivers are Required for Participation. 

***The collection of a “cover charge” from guests at a private party that exceeds the rental costs of the rink is not allowed without prior permission from management***

***Walk-In Parties are subject to availability at the owner’s discretion and is limited to the availability of tables.  No outside tables, chairs, or other such apparatus may be brought into the rink as space is limited.  Also, an additional $75 table charge will be added if outside food or cake is brought in (for non-reserved parties).  No outside drinks allowed.***

Build Your Own Private Party Package

Starting at $350 + tax

2 Hours of Private Skating for up to 100 Skaters

Personalized Playlist (Send your Spotify playlist, bring a device, or write down a song list)

Use of all rental equipment: skates, SkateMates, toddler skates, speed skates and roller blades

Play any game you would like: Limbo, Stretch Game, Red Light / Green Light, Four Corners, etc.

Arcade Open – Pay to Play

A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your reservation within 48 hours unless otherwise specified. The deposit will be applied to the balance of your party. Late-night parties also available from 10:30pm to 12:30pm. Please call to reserve your date and time. Must have at least 72 hours notice for add-on packages. Food, drinks, and decor welcome; no confetti, nothing may hang from the ceiling, no alcohol. 

*The collection of a “cover charge” from guests at a private party is not allowed without prior permission from management. If this occurs extra charges could be applied accordingly. Fundraisers are different from Private Parties.

Our Calendar

Private Party Slots are potentially available.  Please call the Rink to confirm whether or not the slot is open.